Au Pair Salaries
The following is a guideline of Au Pair Salaries in South Africa. These are realistic MARKET RELATED au pair salaries in terms of what the majority of families pay / SHOULD pay their au pairs in South Africa. Yes, there are exceptions to the below. Some families pay more, but then they generally expect more in terms of qualifications, experience, age, job functions, hours worked, flexibility etc. Some families pay less for a variety of reasons but we recommend you don’t sell yourself short.
*Please note the above is dependent on the LEVEL of the candidate you would require (see below) which is also dependent on affordability in terms of the salary you are able to pay.
JUNIOR Level Au Pair:
A JUNIOR level au pair is someone who:
- Has a valid drivers license
- Has their own vehicle
- Is generally 18 – 21 years old
- Has about 0 – 1 year experience
- Is able to work with children aged 4 to 16
- Generally does not have experience with babies and toddlers
- Is able to drive the children around to various extra murals etc.
- Is able to do homework with the kids
- Generally does not have any child care qualifications
- Generally does not have a first aid course
- Is realistically able to commit to a family for about 1 year at most
- Morning Salary R7000 to R8000 OR
- Afternoon Salary R7000 to R8000 OR
- Full Day Salary R10 000 to R11 000
- Every Saturday add an additional R1 500
MEDIUM Level Au Pair:
A MEDIUM level au pair is someone who:
- Has a valid drivers license
- Has their own vehicle
- Is generally 21 – 24 years old
- Has about 1 – 2 years experience
- Is able to work with children aged 0 to 16
- Is able to stimulate the children on a mental and physical level
- Is able to tend to the overall emotional well-being of the children
- Has experience with babies, toddlers, children and teens
- Is able to drive the children around to various extra murals etc.
- Is able to do homework & tutor the kids
- Is generally studying towards a degree / diploma
- May have a first aid course
- May have done some child care courses
- Is realistically able to commit to a family for at least 1 year
- Morning Salary R8000 to R11 000 OR
- Afternoon Salary R8000 to R11 000 OR
- Full Day Salary R12 000 to R16 000
- Every Saturday add an additional R2 500
SENIOR Level Au Pair and / or Governess:
A SENIOR level au pair is someone who:
- Has a valid drivers license
- Has their own vehicle
- Is generally 25 or older
- Has about 3 years experience
- Is able to work with children aged 0 to 16
- Has formal experience with babies, toddlers, children and teens
- Is able to stimulate the children on a mental and physical level
- Is able to tend to the overall emotional, developmental and psychological well-being of the children
- Is able to drive the children around to various extra murals etc.
- Is able to do homework & tutor the kids
- Is able to be a personal assistant also
- Is able to run a household
- Is able to communicate with teachers, doctors, therapists etc.
- Is well-versed in managing routine and structure
- Generally has a degree / diploma
- Has completed a first aid course
- May have done some child care courses
- Is generally able to commit to a family for at least 1 year or more
- Morning Salary R12 000 to R15 000 OR
- Afternoon Salary R12 000 to R15 000 OR
- Full Day Salary R16 000 to R30 000
- (Is able to travel with the family)
- (Can live-in if needed)
- Every Saturday add an additional R3 000
ALL Candidates:
- Petrol reimbursement at AA Rates per km travelled would be in addition to the salary (NOT to and from work).
- If the family is providing a vehicle for the candidate to use during working hours then they would not have to reimburse the candidate per km indicated above.
Please note that Au Pair salaries are payable directly from the Family to the Au Pair.
Further Recommended Au Pair Information
What is an Au Pair?
Au Pair Services
Au Pair Job Functions
Au Pair Salaries
Au Pair Petrol
AA Rates Calculator
Permanent Au Pairs
Temporary Au Pairs
Au Pair Training
Au Pair Agencies
Au Pair FAQs
Au Pair Jobs
I want to BE an Au Pair – Candidate Applications
We NEED an Au Pair – Register as a Family